Libido, Desire and Flesh

from the apostolic fathers to a churchless psychoanalysis


  • Thamy Ayouch Université de Paris



Psychoanalysis, Foucault, sexuality, flesh, subject


Psychoanalysis is part of the “great family of sexual technologies”, Foucault argues in the first volume of the History of Sexuality, and is closely associated with the history of the deployment of sexuality, which constitutes its archaeology. The recent posthumous publication of the fourth volume of this work allows us to further this foucaultian reading of psychoanalysis and clarify its affiliation with pastoral power. The genealogy of the subject of desire through the problematization of christian flesh seems to be an implicit genealogy of psychoanalysis. It seems, therefore, relevant to ask in what consists this indirect extension of the psychoanalysis archeology established in The Will to Knowledge into its implicit genealogy in The Confessions of the Flesh, and what this genealogy reveals. Could psychoanalysis participate to its own genealogy performed by Foucault, and assume a position of “perspectivized knowledge”, and standpoint epistemology? Foucault’s account of the writings of the apostolic fathers shall serve as a compass to rethink the notions of sexuality, power, and subject in psychoanalytical theorizations and practices.


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Author Biography

Thamy Ayouch, Université de Paris

Professeur des Universités (Professor titular), Departamento « Études psycha-nalytique », Université de Paris. Psicanalista.


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How to Cite

AYOUCH, T. Libido, Desire and Flesh: from the apostolic fathers to a churchless psychoanalysis. Boletim Formação em Psicanálise, São Paulo, v. 28, n. 1, p. 18–41, 2020. DOI: 10.56073/bolformempsic.v28i1.14. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


